our other life
There was a time in my life when I thought my dreams meant something. I don’t know, maybe I was reading Sir James Frazer and blending it with bits from Freud and Jung and James Hillman. I was convinced for a while. But then came a Santa moment when the scales of innocence fell off my eyes and I had to let go of my evaluation of dreams. I’m fairly agnostic about the usefulness of dreams now. I think they’re interesting, sometimes, but they don’t impact my waking life in any way. Except for the concept of a dream. I do enjoy the mechanics of dreamworld. Sometimes I superimpose those mechanics onto the woken world. There are those who have taken drugs to induce this perception, but I’ve found it’s easily done without any mind-altering substance. This way of seeing the world enhances my theater making. Magic, theatricality, the unknowable, and dreams make life fun and theater possible.