the LZ
Something about aliens. They’re fun. Little green men, big eyes, funny walk. Everybody loves them. You know this because, when’s the last time you heard a news anchor talk about them without smiling or laughing out loud? And scientists, they can’t even get near the subject without giggling. (We see you Neil deGrasse Tyson) So, they must be fun, these aliens. Why, they bring joy all around. You might be wondering about all the sci-fi horrors featuring visitors with bad intent. I say, that’s just another way they entertain us. No one ever leaves a sci-fi movie cowering from the threat above. We use aliens the same way we use roller coasters, to inoculate ourselves against real terrors. There’s plenty of those around. Also, I think we all secretly hope that some good aliens will land, repair all the damage we’ve done to the earth, and give us all perfect health, restored youth, eternal life, and financial security to last until that eternity is spent. So, come on down little green men, let’s get t work fixing the place up.